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International School Won the Honour for 2011 “May Fourth Red Flag Youth League Committee”


Time:2012-06-01 07:56:45 Clicks:


On May 5th, a celebration of the 90th Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China was held in Nanchang, attended by about 1200 representatives from different districts of Jiangxi province. Su Rong, the secretary of Jiangxi’s Party Committee and director of the National People’s Congress in Jiangxi, gave an important speech. The meeting was chaired by Shang Yong, the vice secretary of Jiangxi’s Party Committee; other key leaders of the Party Committee, including Lu Xin, the provincial governor, were also in attendance.

At the meeting, Su Rong expressed sincere greetings and warm congratulations to the youth members of Jiangxi, and affirmed the work done by the Jiangxi Communist Youth League. Su Rong also expressed his hope that all youth members are firm in their ideals and beliefs, are ambitious, study diligently, lay a firm foundation for their future career, blaze new trails in their undertakings, strengthen their ethics, and that they are able to integrate the spirit of May Fourth with the promotion of socialist core values, and becoming an upright, honest, kind and modest person. At the meeting, progressive groups and individuals were praised. Among these, the International School received the honourable title of the “May Fourth Red Flag Youth League Committee” (out of a total of 18 higher education institutions in the whole province). Acting as one of 15 special representatives, Yang Minghua, the secretary of the Youth League Committee, accepted the award from Ling Chengxing, the vice governor. He also attended the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Youth League.

Since it was established in 2002, the International School has carried on the policy of combining local and foreign in teaching and learning, educating a large number of internationally qualified and patriotic professionals. Under the guidance of the “Three Representatives” ideology, the Youth League of the International School of JUFE places emphasis first and foremost on ethics; and with education as its fundamental task, the Youth League fulfils its role in assisting the Party to realize the scientific concept of development, to strengthen the Youth League, paying attention to members’ development and needs, youth education and services, maintaining the rights of members, helping to enrich students’ lives, and achieving the School’s aim in passing on traditional Chinese culture, as well as fostering international thinking. In these past three years, the work done by the International School’s Youth League can be summarised as follows: remarkable achievement on ideological instruction, brilliant Youth League activities, dedication to helping the poor, better study atmosphere, excellent results on the international stage, qualified personnel for society, and demonstration of strength in student contests.