Dilip,中文名陈爱龙,外语教师,演员,中印文化交流使者,2003-2004年任我院语言外教,热爱中国武术与中国文化。先后参加过中国中央电视台及北京、湖南、江西等多家省级电视台举办的娱乐节目和晚会,在刚刚过去的9月21日做客CCTV news谈太极功夫。受江财国际网站邀请,Dilip老师特别寄语我院热爱和学习中国传统文化的同学们:
Hearty greetings to you all my dear students at International School, JUFE who love traditional Chinese arts and culture. I'm very dedicated to Chinese arts and culture. I love Chinese martial arts very much. It was my dream to study Chinese martial arts. Fortunately I had a chance to experience real Chinese martial art when I came to China..I remember my time at JUFE. It was year 2003 . In my spare time,I used to take some Tai Qi lessons from one PE teacher at JUFE. It was a wonderful experience.
During my 10 years stay in China I met many kung fu masters and got to learn something from them. Few days back CCTV NEWS channel invited me to have a talk about TAI QI with Tai qi master Mr. Hong. It was a great experience to share and to learn from each other.I hope you will enjoy it. Please do not expect any fascinating performance. It's just a talk show in English.. which would help you to improve your listening English skill and get to know more about Tai Qi. Thank you !!!
我在中国的10年间,拜访过很多功夫大师,也开始跟他们学习一招半式。几天前,CCTV news频道邀请我与洪卫国老师做一期关于太极的节目。这是一次很好的学习分享的体验,希望大家能够喜欢。请不要期望节目里有华丽的表演,这仅是一个英文脱口秀节目,或许对你提高英语听力、了解太极知识有些帮助。谢谢大家!
【视频:陈爱龙做客央视谈太极】 【陈爱龙简介】 【链接:我院中国传统文化研究社】
In 1993 I happened to watch one very interesting Chinese martial art movie acted by Donny Yen (zhen zi dan). It was his first movie. I was totally mesmerized by his unique martial art techniques that I never saw before. The title of that movie is DRUNKEN TAIJI. After I watched that movie I started doing research and got so much curious and excited to learn Tai qi. Finally I got a special book about 94 forms of taiji and I started learning by myself. But unfortunately I could not grasp the real spirit of Taiji.I just followed the actions through book.. but I was missing the real spirit of Taiji. In 2002 I happened to come to China and meet martial art experts. I feel lucky that I got so many masters to study taiqi. But tell you the truth some masters had made a wrong impression about taiqi. I have seen some insane tai qi acts performed by tai qi masters and their followers. I do believe the scientific technique of tai qi..but I'm not that stupid to admit thier insane tricks. Another interesting thing about these masters is they always pretend that they are the best and other masters are not the real taiji practitioners.. They blame on each others techniques and gestures.
After I followed several masters I realized that I shouldn't worry about who is right and wrong.. actually each and every action could be used to attack and to defence.It just depends how smart you are to use those actions and techniques. I got to know the scientific techniques and that's what I follow. Few days back happened to do a talk show at CCTVNEWS <crossover>. It was very interesting to know some facts about genuine tai ji techniqes from Master Hong with Ji Xiao Jun.
If you like you can watch the full show in English here
This is a talk show so please do not expct any fascinating martial art performance. But I'm sure this would help you to improve your listening English ability and get to know some vocabulary related to Chinese Martial Arts. Thanks.........