
  • 省委教育工委书记、省教育厅长虞国庆在江财国际“十年庆”上的致辞
  • 时间:2012-11-20信息来源:体育博彩 字体:[ ]点击:
  • 在江西财经大学2012世界高等教育发展论坛暨体育博彩
    省委教育工委书记、省教育厅长 虞国庆



    今天,高朋满座,群贤毕至,在此共同举行江西财经大学2012世界高等教育发展论坛暨体育博彩 建院十周年。我代表江西省委教育工委、省教育厅向江西财经大学各位领导、体育博彩 全体师生员工和从各地返校参加庆典的校友们表示衷心祝福和诚挚敬意,向在座的海内外学者、来宾表示热烈欢迎和亲切问候!



    江西财经大学是一所具有深厚底蕴、在国内有着重要影响的财经类院校。学校顺应时代潮流,长期坚持开放办学,领导集体果敢决策,把握发展机遇,主动迎接挑战,通过借鉴国内外高校国际化办学经验,利用学校自身优质资源,对国际化办学路径进行了积极的探索,努力创新了国际化办学思路,国际化办学成效显著。尤其值得一提的是,江西财大2002年成立体育博彩 ,开办本科教学试验班,成为我省首批次试行国际化办学高校。江西财大体育博彩 坚持“教学相长、中西合璧、外引内联、高位嫁接”的办学方针,采用全英文原版教材,创设外教“集中授课”模式,鼓励学生作学习的主人,让许多中国普通家庭的孩子实现了“不出国门也留学”的梦想。办学十年,“江财国际”已然成为国际化教育品牌,培养了一大批品学兼优、出类拔萃的青年才俊,为国家建设及我省经济社会发展做出了积极的贡献。如今,体育博彩 正受到越来越多高考考生与家长的认同,为我省高等教育国际化工作闯开了一条新路。

    “艰难困苦,玉汝于成”,百年大计,教育为本。十年是一个重要的里程碑,我很高兴看到江西财大国际化办学的成就,更期待江西财大以体育博彩 十年院庆为契机,总结经验,开拓创新,不断提升办学水平,在未来的日子里创造更大的辉煌!

    最后,衷心祝愿江西财经大学2012世界高等教育发展论坛暨体育博彩 建院十周年庆典活动圆满成功!


    Remark at World Higher Education Forum and
    the 10th Anniversary of the Founding of International
    School, JUFE

    Respected Chairman Liao Jinqiu, President Wang Qiao, distinguished guests, faculty members, students and friends,
    Good morning!

    Today is a special day. We are gathering together here to celebrate the World Higher Education Development Forum and the 10th anniversary of the founding of the International School, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics. First and foremost, on behalf of the Education Commission and Education Department of Jiangxi Province, I would like to extend my sincere wishes and appreciation to JUFE leaders, faculty members and students as well as to the alumni from all parts of China. Meanwhile, I also want to express my cordial welcome and greetings to scholars and guests, domestic and international, for your presence.

    The increasing development of economic globalization has influenced the world higher education significantly. At the late 20th century and early 21st century, countries all over the world have adjusted respective higher education strategies, striving for a more important role in the global education market. Internationalization of higher education is the natural outcome of economic globalization, the irresistible tendency of the world higher education development as well as the inevitable choice of Chinese higher education. Early in 1995, the Ministry of Education drew up the Provisional Regulations on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools, later formally issued in 2003 as Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools, to support and encourage the internationalization of higher education in China.

    Education Department of Jiangxi Province has fully recognized the strategic significance of higher education internationalization, which helps to improve college education quality in Jiangxi, makes it possible to share high-quality educational resources, and foster the open and inclusive education philosophy as well as international vision. Based on the mentality of “going out for more information and recruiting more outside resources”, Education Department of Jiangxi Province has conducted a multitude of positive and effective explorations, which include providing institutional guarantee for international education, preparing the necessary teaching facilities, creating international education atmosphere and constructing platforms for international education. In recent years, Jiangxi Province has exerted a wealth of efforts in innovating international education philosophy and mechanism, strengthening international cooperation and exchange, increasing the number of teaching platforms and promoting the quality of the administrators and faculty. As a result, the number of incoming and outgoing students is on the increase, international education is moving towards a higher level and developing into more fields. A great many outstanding talents have been cultivated, who have international vision, well-informed of international regulations, and capable in participating in international affairs as well as international competition, which greatly enhances the international competitiveness of Jiangxi higher education and provided powerful intelligence and talent support for the national and local economic and social development.

    With profound history and culture, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics is significantly influential among universities of finance and economics in China. Following the trend of the times, sticking to opening up policy, JUFE made a resolute decision to seize the development opportunities and take the initiative to meet the challenges. Drawing on advanced experience from domestic and foreign universities and relying on its own quality education resources, JUFE has conducted a range of positive explorations into international education. Apparently, its achievement is tangible and remarkable. What is particularly noteworthy is that JUFE established the International School in 2002, experimenting with three undergraduate programs, and become the first batch of universities conducting international education. Conforming to the teaching principle, featured as “Integrating teaching with learning, fusing western pedagogue with the eastern education philosophy, combing the external channels with the internal sources, and cashing on the valuable resources of prestigious universities’’, the International School has adopted original English teaching materials, condensed teaching by overseas professors, and fostering students to become masters of their own learning, which makes it possible for children of average families to receive international education without going abroad. With ten years efforts, the name of “the International School, JUFE”, gradually becoming prestigious far and near, has developed into an eminent brand of international education. A large number of excellent graduates have brought a host of benefits to national and local economic and social development, winning wide acclaim and appreciation. Nowadays, the International School is receiving increasingly more recognition from students and parents. The International School has explored a successful road for internationalization of higher education in Jiangxi.

    As is known to all, “Difficulty is the nurse of greatness”, and education is the fundamental to the society. Therefore, today is a momentous landmark in the historical process of the International School. I am very delighted to see the great achievements that you have made, and I earnestly expect that JUFE International School will regard this 10th anniversary as a new start, reflect upon past experiences, continuously upgrade the level of international education, and embrace even more splendid future.

    Last but not least, I extend my heartfelt wishes to the success of the Forum on World Higher Education Development and the 10th Anniversary of the International School.

    Thank you.



