校友代表 徐炜
能够在如此盛大的江财国际成立十周年庆典上作为校友代表发言,我深感荣幸并心存感激。所以我首先要说一声谢谢,不仅感谢获邀回母校参加体育博彩 十周年庆典活动,还要感谢母校提供给我们一个回忆和重温美好大学生活的机会。
这几天以来,我一直在为今天的发言绞尽脑汁。最后,我决定站在一个已经毕业5年的江财国际校友的角度从对体育博彩 的印象谈起。江财国际是一个年轻的学院,它以培养具有开放意识、宽阔视野、适应力强且精通英文的专业化国际人才为目标。如今,每当我回顾起大学生活,一种自豪感便会油然而生。同时我也觉得自己是极其幸运的,因为我是这个知名且美丽学院的一员。你或许会问,你的学院到底有什么了不起呢?你凭何如此自信与自豪?
坦白讲,我并不想用“我的学院非常棒,因为我在那里学到了很多工作中需要的知识”或是“体育博彩 有众多出色的校友”等陈词滥调来回答你的问题。事实上,我有如下两个不一样的回答。
首先,专业课的双语教学给我们带来了生动的海外学习体验。我们的教材是英文原版书籍,授课语言是英语,补充阅读材料也是英文的,毕业论文要用英文撰写。从此,奇妙的变化在我们身上发生了。我们的学习生活被英语语言填满,乃至连梦话说的都是英语。每次当我开口说英语,看到外国友人惊讶的表情并紧接着问我是否曾经出国留学或是有海外生活经历的时候,我发现那一切的努力都是值得的。看,我们怎能不为自己,不为体育博彩 而感到骄傲呢?
其次,体育博彩 为我们灌输了先进的学习理念,而不仅仅专注于课本知识的传授。老实说,我大学期间学习的知识已经忘记得差不多了,然而,正是体育博彩 教会我的“注重心理和精神成长,养成良好行为习惯”的理念,帮助我在职场中如鱼得水,取得突出业绩。学院的老师们非常认同养成良好习惯的重要性,他们不仅告诉我们应该学会去养成哪些良好的习惯,还指导我们将那些良好的习惯,例如开放思想,终身学习,独立思考等,运用到学习和生活中来。正是在这种先进理念影响下的四年大学生活,使我们最终成为了这样的人:不论工作多困难都能赢得领导和同事信任的人;不论生活多么繁忙都不停止学习的人;不论事情多么复杂都尝试用更宽广的视野去看待问题的人。
是的,正是以上两种鲜明的特性使得体育博彩 如此特别。作为学院的一份子,我们有幸能够尽情享受她带给我们的这美好的一切。
Remark at the World Higher Education Forum and
the 10th Anniversary of the Founding of the International School, JUFE
Distinguished leaders, guests, members of the faculty, ladies and gentlemen of the International School,
Good morning!
For the privilege of delivering the speech at this very spectacular ceremony,I’m honored and grateful. So thank you very much, not only for inviting me back to join in the celebration of the 10th anniversary, but for the special opportunity to have a vivid recollection of our beautiful college life also.
Actually, I’ve wracked my mind and heart for what I ought to say today in the past few days. In the end, I decided to start with my impression of international school, from which I graduated 5 years ago. It was a newly established school, whose mission was to cultivate students who have good proficiency in English to be international talents with open mind, broad vision and adaptive capacity. Now every time when I look backward, I feel very strongly that I’m so proud and unbelievably lucky to be a part of this famous and wonderful school. You may ask, what’s the big deal of your school? Where do your pride and faith come from?
Truth be told, I’m not a big fan of those boring clichés, such as ‘my school is great because I’ve learned a lot of knowledge that is useful to my work’ or ‘I have several successful alumni from International School’. As a matter of fact, I’ve come up with two different answers.
First, the practice of bilingual teaching in major courses provides us with a mimic overseas study experience. We read textbooks of original foreign versions, we were taught by teachers who spoke English, we were required to do the extracurricular reading in English, and we delivered all the reports in English. Then, something magical came along: our life was so overwhelmingly filled with English that we talked in English even in the sleep! However, it's absolutely worth it when I personally experienced being asked by foreigners whether I had lived or studied abroad for several years. See, how could you not be proud of yourself, and of our international school as well?
Second, the philosophy of providing modern education, instead of imparting knowledge only, is all that matters. Honestly speaking, I’ve almost forgotten most of knowledge that I’ve learned at school. However, I think it was international school’s philosophy of helping build us up mentally and psychologically, and forming good habits that makes significant difference in our professional career. Supervisors were so aware of the importance of habits, like being open-minded, being a lifelong learner and thinking independently etc, that we were not only told to form these good habits, we were also tutored and coached on how to make them regular practise. After the 4 years’ modern education, we become who we are—people who always gain leaders and colleagues’ trust in work no matter how tough the task is, people who never stopped learning no matter how busy they are, and people who see things with a wider horizon no matter how difficult it is to get the right vision.
Yes, it’s these two distinctive characteristics that make International School special, and as a part of this group, we could just enjoy all the good qualities it has brought to us!
So be international, and be real us! Thank you!