荜篮十年孕桃李 风采今朝嘉年华:2012年英语嘉年华活动简介
回顾往昔,历届嘉年华的宏大场景似乎还深深地刻在每个参与者的脑海当中。五彩缤纷的装饰,欢快热闹的气氛,益智好玩的小游戏;还有美妙的歌曲串烧,动感的舞蹈表演,无一不是体育博彩 风采的展示,无一不是国际学子全方位发展的体现。英语嘉年华以它独有的魅力向我们昭示了为什么它能作为江财国际的一大特色而蓬勃发展的原因,那就是它代表着一群积极向上,奋勇拼搏的江财人,彰显着不断开拓进取,勇于改革创新的国际形象。
而今2012年,这个特殊的年份又赋予了英语嘉年华为国际十年的盛大晚会造势的重要意义。缘此,学院学生会的学习部推出了纪念和回顾国际十周年的英语嘉年华活动。十个英文小游戏将分别对应体育博彩 从2002-2012年走过的十个年份,现场的班级部门展示整体设计为一个国际十年的时间轴,参与同学在游戏和展示中仿佛亲身走过体育博彩 风雨十年。同时,英语嘉年华与国际接轨模拟国外嘉年华的狂欢party,让同学们在欢笑中体会英语文化的魅力。
游戏规则: 场馆周围悬挂英语灯谜的小纸片,灯谜的难度分为易(黄色),中(蓝色),难(红色),猜出灯谜的来宾将灯谜的编号与答案告诉旁边负责的工作人员,便可获得相应的得分.不必撕下灯谜。
Lantern riddles
Rules: English riddles written on colored paper which stand for three levels. Tell the assistant the correct answer with the number of the riddle , after the signing you will gain the appropriate scores.
Marking: Riddles on the yellow : 0.5’
Riddles on the blue : 1’
Riddles on the red: 1.5’
Rules: Fill in the blank to find out certain words. The importance is that both horizontal and vertical lines can form certain words.
Marking : Find out a correct word can gain 0.5 points. Two words means 1 point, and so on.
计分规则:10秒内完成5分,15秒内完成4分,20秒3分,25秒2 分,25秒以上通通1分。
Block out the candles
Rules: The people at the game should block out candles by speaking an English word.
Marking : The person who finished the game within 10 seconds get 5points. The one who finished within 15 seconds get 4 points. The one who finished within 20 seconds get 3 points.The who one finished within 25 seconds get 2 points. And the one who didn't finish within 25 seconds get only 1 point.
Crazy Collecting
Rules: The host will give the people at the game a paper, which listed 10 items that needed to be collected by the player within limited time, such as lip print of the host, a man who was born in the year of cock, a belt of Dunhill.
Marking : 10 items 10 p' , 9 items 8 p', 8 items 7 p' and so on, but the players who collect less than 3 items only get 1 point.
Speed and Cooperation
Rules: This game plays in pairs. There are 5 questions in total, the players should keep distance with the host,one should carry another on the back, after the host ask a question, each team should run as fast as possible to the destination and answer the question.
Marking : Each question with correct answer 2 p', if the team give the wrong answer, then other team have the chance to answer by means of Rock-Scissors-Paper.
Shot and Quiz
Rules: The player shoot 10 times, according to the the number of shots, the player should a corresponding question.The one who shot 10 times get 10 points, others should answer the question. The difficulty of questions from 0 ~ 9 decrease in turn.
Marking : 10 shots 10 points; 9 shots and right answer 8 points, otherwise 4 points; 8 shots and right answer 7 points, otherwise 3 points; 5~7 shots and right answer 6 points, otherwise 3 points; Less than 5 shots, right answer 5 points, otherwise 3 points.
Mind Acts Upon Mind
Rules: This game plays in pairs. One person describe certain words while the other one guess.The performer , forbid to speak the answer , otherwise the word cancel. Each group has 90 seconds.
Marking: One correct answer means 1 points for each one in pairs.
I like to remember lyrics
Rules: Five players stand in a line, when the song starts, players grab the only chair. The player who grabbed the chair gain the chance of sing out the coerect lyrics to fill in the blanks. Each song has 4 words and 1 sentence to fill.5 turns totally.
Marking: Grab the stool: 1 point
Every 2 words: 1 point
Each sentence: 1 point
游戏规则:五队男女生,面对面各站一排,事前,先在纸上写着诸如罗密欧与朱丽叶 王祖贤与齐秦 梁山伯与祝英台等对对佳偶的名字。将这些已写好名字的纸中的男性名字贴在男性的背后,女性名字贴在女性背后。每个人只知道自己背后所贴的名字,通过用英语描述或肢体动作等方式,寻找到自己所代表人物的配偶,迅速与其站在一起。
Where is my beauty?
Rules: Five girls and five boys each face to face in a row. Each one will represent a person. Only you know who you represent, you must try your best to describe your character and find out your partner, then stand near her or him.
Marking: The shortest time: 5 points each
The second shortest time:4 points each
And so on.
Rules: Players should pass through 5 red strings with small bells with no bell rang. Spell the 5 words that the host says at the same time.
Marking: Pass through 5 red strings and spell all 5 words: 15 points
Touch the strings once: reduce 2 points
Spell every wrong word: reduce 2 points
Join the game: at least 4 poin