Course Title:Military Theory
Course Code: 10321
Teaching Hours: 48
Credit: 3
Course Overview
The Military Theory is one of the compulsory courses for the bachelor degree program. This course is taught on the basis of the Marxist theory theories, Mao Zigong’s thoughts, Deng Xiaoping’s theories and Jiang Zeming’s instructions on buildup of the Chinese army. It helps students understand the realization of our strategic targets and how to strengthen and consolidate our national defense. It also provides students with the basic knowledge on our national defense, the awareness of National defense, the military theories and current military affairs. It enables students to analyze and understand current trends and gives students some knowledge of High-tech and high-tech wars.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course students will be able to:
l Better understand the history of our national defense and the current situation in the buildup of our national defense;
l Get familiarized with the details on the laws and regulations on national defense, and raise the awareness of the national defense buildup legislation.
l Further understand the military theories as to how it is established and developed;
l Better mastery of the key points on the military theories about the army, and understand better the nature and tasks of the army as well as the guideline of the army buildup, establish the scientific standpoints on war and methodology.
l Learn the basic knowledge on strategies, global strategic structure, and correct analysis on the situation about our neighboring environment, as well as enhancing consciousness of national security.
l Better understand the role of Hi-Tech in military development, the influence of Hi-Tech on future wars, setting up the view of “The Science and Technology is the first productive force”, and stimulating the students’ interests in learning about science and technology.
l Better understand the characteristics of hi-tech wars, the relationship between science and technology and war, give students an overall view of the buildup of national defense and update national comprehensive competitiveness.
Main Topics
l China’s Defense
n Brief introduction to National Defense including its history;
n The related Law and Regulations, people’s rights and liabilities towards the national defense;
l The National Defense System
n The Leading and control system for national defense, the achievements in national defense, the aims and policies of national defense, our Armed Forces, The People’s revolutionary army, People’s armed police and Militia;
l Military Theory
n General description on concept of military thoughts: its formation and development, the System and Contents, their key works;
n Mao Zedong Thoughts: its scientific indications, main content, historical position and practical significance.
n Deng Xiaoping Theory on army buildup during the New Period:
n Jiang Zeming’s work on national and army construction
l World Military Situation
n Introduction to the Global Strategic Environment;
n International Strategic Structure: Current stature, Performance, development trends.
n Our Security Environment in our border areas;
l Military Hi-Tech
n Introduction to military high technology:Concept and categories and developing trends and its influence on modern war;
n The application of Hi-Tech on the military;
n Technology on Guiding, hiding, pretending, supervising, reconnoitering, electronic confronting, command and control automation, nuclear, biology, chemicals and defense systems.
l Hi-Tech Wars: General Introduction to the evolution and development trends, its characteristics, the recent regional wars, the requirements for national defense buildup by hi-tech wars;
Teaching Method
l Heuristic education is to be adopted with focus-oriented teaching;
l Close Links to current affairs by providing case analysis;
l Group discussion will also be organized for specific topics related to the subject;
l Interaction between teachers and students in the class; Teachers to ensure to students understanding of the theories and arouse their interests in this subject.
l Other references can also be used in the teaching as well. Multi-media facilities to be used in teaching; More information is to be given to students to facilitate their analysis and topic discussion.
Case study 10% (including group presentation)
Course work 10% (including attendance)
Assignment 10%
Mid-term Exam 20% (Written form)
Presentation 50% (Written form)
Reading Resources:
1. Military Textbook for Higher Learning, Edited by Chen Qin, Published by Anhui University Press, July 2007
2. Military Theory Reference, Edited by Ding Xiachan, published by Hehai University Press.
3.National Defense, Edited by the Topic Editing Group on National Defense Published by the Military Weapon Industry Press.