英国考文垂大学Paul Jackson教授2011年5月16日至30日应邀来我院讲授管理学部分课程,其渊博的学识和丰富的教学经验赢得了同学们普遍好评。授课期间布置了一次小组课后作业,Paul Jackson认真批注反馈每一篇小组作业后,在返回英国的航班上对作业完成情况做了一个总体评价,并对我院学子提出了殷切的希望和中肯的建议。现与同学们分享。
Hi everybody:
"Please answer the following question and write about a thousand words and include at least two of the relavant diagrams from Chapter 15: "Working in Groups of no more that 4 people please identify the characteristics of a formal, successful team. You must describe the difficulties that teams face and how these can be overcome." Prof. Paul Jackson |
Dear Students,
Your Assignment—General Comments
First of all let me thank you for all the work that many of you have done on this assignment-many of the assignments were well written and enjoyable to read.
It was obvious that many of you had worked very hard to achieve this—so a huge ‘well done’ to you.
Where the best students scored the marks was in using good and appropriate diagrams, using clear references as to where you had gathered your materials and had clearly identified these.
You used the theories and discussed them, giving clear examples to demonstrate your deep understanding of the learning—many congratulations to these students—you have learnt well and should, with the proper revision, pass your exams and secure good marks.
However, there were a number of students who did not do so well—so some room for improvement here!
Might I suggest some of the following areas to develop which will strengthen your work—not just in this module but in all the other modules you will take.
Now let us look specifically at the question:
All in all though –a good effort—many of you demonstrated a good understanding of the topic and I was delighted in your success in doing this—congratulations!
To those who need to develop additional skills to get through this model—get yourselves a plan to see what time you have got left and how you might improve over the next few weeks.
I have written more detailed comments on your work—i apologise for my writing.
Once again my thanks to you all—I learnt a lot from you, you are very good students and have got excellent futures ahead of you after you finish your present studies. You get a terrific grounding here in JUFE and you have some outstanding teachers.
Kind Regards and best wishes to all.
Paul Jackson