
  • 体育博彩 合作教师岗位职责
  • 时间:2011-04-13信息来源:本站原创字体:[ ]点击:
  • Responsibilities of Cooperative Teachers of International School

    1. To inform the foreign teachers of the teaching plans before the first class of each semester and show the teacher their assigned classroom.
    2. Assist the classroom administrators of the university and academic schools to introduce the foreign teachers to the use of the teaching equipment. Make sure the teaching facilities work well.
    3. The co-teacher should attend the foreign teacher’s lecture at least once before the evaluation on teaching is taken.
    4. For the foreign teachers who are employed to teach at our school for the first time, the assigned co-teacher should attend their foreign teacher’s lecture in the first week and communicate with them regarding any problems in teaching methodology. Afterwards, all relevant records of the teaching should be reported to the director in charge of teaching.
    5. The co-teacher shall discuss the teaching syllabus and detailed lesson plans with the foreign teacher and bring the above documents to the deputy dean. Provide feedback or suggestions of the school to the foreign teacher.
    6. Care about the life and working of foreign teachers, and communicate with them frequently.

